Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I don’t get it. The books were written for teenage girls – but married women are getting so obsessed over “Edward” (the lead character played by Robert Pattinson) that their husbands have forbidden them to see the movie.
I saw the movie. No big whoop. I promise you guys, there is nothing in the movie that’s going to send your wife over the edge. It is entertaining – that’s all.
I see Twilight, and the upcoming New Moon, as the Star Trek for women and teens. Trekkies are predominantly obsessed males. Now there is something for the females. I don’t know what the catch phrase will be for the Twilighters (maybe “Vamps” for vampires), but it’s the same thing.
I also see the Twilight series as the Harry Potter for women and teens – Lucky Stephenie Meyer. She’s on her way to becoming the next J.K. Rowling with more books ready to be movie sequels.
P. s. I want to share with you all the comment I got on this post:
Diane said...
Hi Jeri, I read all the books and got caught up in all the hoopla. I'll tell you what was fun was attending the premiere with every single young screaming teenager in Nashville. A friend of mine rented the theater for the night for all of us "older" Twilight fans. When word got out, EVERYONE wanted to come!! I think there were two token guys in the audience, but seriously....when I say screaming...I mean screaming! I'd have to watch the movie again to hear it. Not high budget, definitely made for those who read the book, and WAY fun! My shirt read
..."My heart belongs to my husband...My neck belongs to Edward"!
June 12, 2009 2:21 PM

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hi Jeri, I read all the books and got caught up in all the hoopla. I'll tell you what was fun was attending the premiere with every single young screaming teenager in Nashville. A friend of mine rented the theater for the night for all of us "older" Twilight fans. When word got out, EVERYONE wanted to come!! I think there were two token guys in the audience, but seriously....when I say screaming...I mean screaming! I'd have to watch the movie again to hear it. Not high budget, definitely made for those who read the book, and WAY fun! My shirt read..."My heart belongs to my husband...My neck belings to Edward"!